Plants represent a wonderful and at the same time complex universe. Their flexible and surprising development plan allows them to differentiate and grow throughout their entire life cycle. As sessile organisms, they have the ability to adapt to the environment in which they develop, generating strategies to make efficient use of nutrients and light. Plants can modify their metabolism in face of seasonal variations in the diurnal cycle and temperature, tolerate adverse environments and establish defense barriers against pathogenic microorganisms, insects, animals, and even humans.
With a strong emphasis, the SAIB Plants Section allows the scientific community to gather and show the advances made year after year by different research groups in Plant Biology, Physiology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology. The central topics of this section focus on the study of signaling, metabolic pathways, and genes that regulate the basic processes of plant life in model species and in plants of agronomic interest.
Here you will find the contributions made by the leading research groups in the field, which approach the study of plants through a set of multidisciplinary techniques, including the analysis of massive data from transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, in order to evaluate the processes that occur in different plant species and understand the mechanisms that regulate growth, development, energy generation, defense, and interaction with the environment in plant organisms.
Representative of PLANTS section: Dr. Georgina Fabro (
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