The main objectives of the SAIB Lipid Section are to foster fruitful collaborations between laboratories, encourage communication between researchers, and support the research of young scientists and fellows, giving them the opportunity to meet renowned scientists and leaders in the lipid field in its different fields such as biochemistry, biophysics, biomedicine, cellular and molecular biology, and biotechnology among others.
This section brings together many scientists dedicated to the study of lipids who communicate their research in a framework that gives them greater national and international visibility and a platform for scientific updating and inspiration that promotes the progress of the study of lipids in different areas of interest for the country.
Links of interest for lipid researchers:
Section Representative: Dr. Ariel Quiroga
Mitocondrias entre células y endocitosis sin clatrina (Mayo 2023)
Mitocondrias de viaje Está claro que las bacterias realizan transferencia horizontal de genes (HGT, en inglés) desde antes de la aparición de las células eucariotas. Ahora, esta costumbre continúa en descendientes de bacterias que fueron cooptadas por las células...
Señalización, compartimentalización, precisión
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Protocolo de Nagoya: muestras, genes y bases de datos
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